E Reseller, en Distributeur, en Agent, e Partner, e Joint Venture, all méiglech Manéier ass wëllkomm, loosst eis zesumme schaffen fir d'Geschäft ze wuessen, technesch ze diskutéieren, Innovatioun z'entdecken, a fir automatesch Datesammlung eng méi breet Uwendung a méi a méi Industrien weltwäit ze förderen , fir dozou bäidroe fir ëmmer méi fortgeschratt Datensammlungstechnologie ze bauen!
As our partner, you get:
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Competitively negotiated prices
You will get a better price favor from us, which is convenient for promoting in your market and grabbing target customers.
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Free sample support
We will provide free rfid readers or tags samples that are convenient for customers to test according to the partner's solutions after discussing.
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Designated regional partners
We will display our partner information on our official website as our designated partner in the area, so that local customers can find you and consult RFID solutions or IOT solutions and final business.
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Provide corresponding reglional end customers
You can get RFID readers, handheld PDA mobile computers end customers from the area of our website from us, and you will be responsible for follow-up and processing IOT solutions for the demand.
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Personalized customized service
You can apply for customized rfid readers, mobile computers, scanners and software from us according to your business strategy.
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Common marketing strategy
We can consider to do a common marketing promotion strategy and attend or organize marketing activities together, to better serve your local customers.