There are differences between wireless and wired barcode scanners, but what are the more differences? How to choose the best barcode scanner, today let us share the considerations for choosing a barcode scanning device, starting from the resolution, scanning depth of field, scanning speed, etc., analyze one by one, hope it will be helpful for you to choose a barcode scanner device.
1. Resolution
For a barcode scanning system, the resolution is the width of the narrowest bar that can be correctly detected and read. The English name is MINIMALBARWIDTH (abbreviated as MBW). When selecting a device, it is not that the higher the splitting rate of the device, the better, but the scanner with the corresponding resolution should be selected according to the barcode density used in the specific application. In use, if the resolution of the selected device is too high, the stain and deinking on the bar will have a more serious impact on the system.